- 86-21-63895588
- No.1, Lane 600, Nanchezhan Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200011
Professor Qingfu Liu is the professor at School of Economics and the adjunct professor at School of Data Science and Institute for Big Data, Fudan University.
He is also the Executive Dean at Fudan-Stanford Institute for China Financial Technology and Risk Analytics as well as the Deputy Dean of Academics at Fudan-Zhongzhi Institute for Big-data Finance and Investment.
He earned his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering at Southeast University and did his post-doctoral research in Finance at Fudan University. He was the visiting scholar at Stanford University.
His research interests include Big Data Finance, Quantitative Investment, Regulatory Technology, Econometrics, Futures and Options, Risk Management and Financial Engineering, etc.
He has published more than 60 papers on high-level academic journals, such as Journal of International Money and Finance, Quantitative Finance and Journal of Futures Markets. Also, he has published two academic books and undertaken more than 10 projects at the provincial and ministerial level, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China.